Education System and Curriculum
Education is a continuous learning process by which a generation is prepared for the future. In BIS, every student receives individual and personal attention and the maximum comforts possible. It is our endeavor to make education a purposeful, meaningful and enjoyable experience.
- I Care is brought into existence to closely perceive and evaluate the strengths as well as weaknesses of each student which will also make frequent contacts to parents.
- Practical teaching methodology is applied using advanced teaching aid.
- Heuristic and lifelong learning methodology is nurtured to excel in conventional academic demands with emphasis to discard the learning by rote.
- Tailored teaching strategies incorporating latest technology is adopted to facilitate the diverse learning styles and intelligence quotients of the student.
- Emphasis on value education to create a climate that encourages freedom of thought is rendered while inculcating the savoir of self-discipline, punctuality, fair play and industriousness.
- Pursuing the modern trends in education, BIS offers a balanced and integrated curriculum that is assumed to meet our students’ diverse learning needs. The school provides a global standard of educational depth integrated with the national curriculum of Nepal required to pass the national level examinations as well.
Admission Booking
9th National Games Participation
9th National Games 2079 (Gandaki Province) Participants from our School Subrat Rajopadhyay - Captain of Nepal Police Club Basketball Team Pooja Magar - Coach of ITF Taekwondo (Bagmati Province) Satya Narayan Manandhar - Judge of Gymastic games Anita Maharjan - Player...
3rd BIB tournament 2018
~ W I N N E R S ~ BOYS CATEGORY : DAFFODIL SCHOOL 'A' GIRLS CATEGORY : H.H.C.A Certificate & Trophy Distribution [tz_plusgallery id="5"]
Extra Curricular Activities August
Extra Curricular Activities Guitar | Keyboard | Violin and more....
Father’s Sports Day
An effort of school to harmonise the tripartite relation between Parents, Students and School !!! #Father’sSportsDay #BouddhaInternational #IPCPreschool
Affiliated to IPC Curriculum
We are Ecstatic to Impart World Class Education through International Preschool Curriculum.
Felicitiation 2018
Venue: BIS (School Premises) Date : 3rd July, 2018 Time: 04:00pm sharp