School Transport

Upon filling the Transport Application Form, the transport manager will check the route and pick up/drop location to ensure that the van is able to move freely and the place is safe enough. Once it is confirmed, the school will provide you the details about transport i.e. route, pick up/Drop timing etc.


Admission Booking

9th National Games Participation

9th National Games Participation

9th National Games 2079 (Gandaki Province) Participants from our School Subrat Rajopadhyay - Captain of Nepal Police Club Basketball Team Pooja Magar - Coach of ITF Taekwondo (Bagmati Province) Satya Narayan Manandhar - Judge of Gymastic games Anita Maharjan - Player...

3rd BIB tournament 2018

3rd BIB tournament 2018

~ W I N N E R S ~ BOYS CATEGORY : DAFFODIL SCHOOL 'A' GIRLS CATEGORY : H.H.C.A  Certificate &  Trophy Distribution  [tz_plusgallery id="5"]

Father’s Sports Day

Father’s Sports Day

An effort of school to harmonise the tripartite relation between Parents, Students and School !!! #Father’sSportsDay #BouddhaInternational #IPCPreschool

Felicitiation 2018

Felicitiation 2018

Venue: BIS (School Premises) Date : 3rd July, 2018 Time: 04:00pm sharp