Safety and Security

It is the philosophy of BIS that each student and employee of the School has the right to study and work in an environment that is free of health and safety hazards and is protected as far as possible against the risks of contagious diseases or conditions. However, the School cannot take on the role of being or choosing a primary health-care or public health provider for students, employees, or parents.

BIS also believes that every individual has an important role to play in safeguarding their own health (e.g., staying home when sick, etc.) and that of others. All staff members will exercise all reasonable precautions to ensure the safety and well-being of your child. Additionally, students are expected to act in a safe manner at all times (e.g. not running around in the school corridors or classrooms). If an injury should occur, students should report the injury, no matter how small, to the duty teacher, class teacher or teacher assistant.

However, under no circumstances will the school accept responsibility for accidents to students.

BIS has installed 24 hour functioning CCTV, power back-up system, fire alarm with extinguisher system. It has also 24 hour operational security guard system with appropriate and reliable security guards.

9th National Games Participation

9th National Games Participation

9th National Games 2079 (Gandaki Province) Participants from our School Subrat Rajopadhyay - Captain of Nepal Police Club Basketball Team Pooja Magar - Coach of ITF Taekwondo (Bagmati Province) Satya Narayan Manandhar - Judge of Gymastic games Anita Maharjan - Player...

3rd BIB tournament 2018

3rd BIB tournament 2018

~ W I N N E R S ~ BOYS CATEGORY : DAFFODIL SCHOOL 'A' GIRLS CATEGORY : H.H.C.A  Certificate &  Trophy Distribution  [tz_plusgallery id="5"]

Father’s Sports Day

Father’s Sports Day

An effort of school to harmonise the tripartite relation between Parents, Students and School !!! #Father’sSportsDay #BouddhaInternational #IPCPreschool

Felicitiation 2018

Felicitiation 2018

Venue: BIS (School Premises) Date : 3rd July, 2018 Time: 04:00pm sharp