Bouddha International School is one of the best schools among the world’s educational institutions, which is committed to provide an excellent education to the children in a global context. BIS always focuses to magnify the best learning environment to all the students so as to bring out the underlying ability in them, and to prepare them to compete with the challenging world. As Greek Philosopher Plato stated “Do not train children to learn by force or harshness; but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each’’, BIS always implements the effective teaching, learning activities to discover the real potential of each individual student. Education is not only limited to rote learning, taking notes and securing good grades in the exams.
BIS believes that activity is the only route to knowledge. So teaching, learning takes place through various activities in BIS. Techno-based education & practical teaching methodology are applied using advanced teaching aid for which we have well equipped classrooms, laboratories, library, multimedia room, language room,EEP (Enrich Educational Program) room and so on with the installation of smart board in each room. Teaching learning environment is incredible in BIS because of proper synchronization between 3 – dimensional teaching aid and teaching learning activities. Besides the excellent infrastructures, BIS offers scientific and integrated curriculum which is designed to meet every student’s diverse learning needs. It applies the National Curriculum of Nepal Integrated with that of global standard. Consequently, We have grade teaching system in primary level.
9th National Games Participation
9th National Games 2079 (Gandaki Province) Participants from our School Subrat Rajopadhyay - Captain of Nepal Police Club Basketball Team Pooja Magar - Coach of ITF Taekwondo (Bagmati Province) Satya Narayan Manandhar - Judge of Gymastic games Anita Maharjan - Player...
3rd BIB tournament 2018
~ W I N N E R S ~ BOYS CATEGORY : DAFFODIL SCHOOL 'A' GIRLS CATEGORY : H.H.C.A Certificate & Trophy Distribution [tz_plusgallery id="5"]
Extra Curricular Activities August
Extra Curricular Activities Guitar | Keyboard | Violin and more....
Father’s Sports Day
An effort of school to harmonise the tripartite relation between Parents, Students and School !!! #Father’sSportsDay #BouddhaInternational #IPCPreschool
Affiliated to IPC Curriculum
We are Ecstatic to Impart World Class Education through International Preschool Curriculum.
Felicitiation 2018
Venue: BIS (School Premises) Date : 3rd July, 2018 Time: 04:00pm sharp